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  • 丹娜·左哈爾
  • Danah Zohar
  • 《金融時報》曾這(zhè)樣(yàng)描述她“世界最偉大的管理思想家。” 

    丹娜·左哈爾(Danah Zohar)出生于美國(guó),并在美國(guó)接受教育。她在麻省理工學(xué)院上的大學(xué),學(xué)習物理和哲學(xué)專業。畢業後(hòu),在哈佛讀研究生,學(xué)習的是哲學(xué)、宗教及心理學(xué)。《金融時報》曾這(zhè)樣(yàng)描述她“世界最偉大的管理思想家。”

  • 《量子社會》
  • 圖書類型:學(xué)術、教育及專業書
  • 者:Danah Zohar
  • 出 版 社:Flamingo
    代理公司:Robin Straus/ANA
    頁    數:256頁
  • 人:Rights      浏覽次數:585          視頻資料


--- 伊恩·麥克尤恩(Ian McEwan)

在《量子社會》(The Quantum Society)中,作者丹娜·左哈爾(Danah Zohar)和伊恩·馬歇爾(Ian Marshall)以量子物理學(xué)的角度來解析現代社會,闡述他們的思想。他們認爲,多樣(yàng)性是一種(zhǒng)可以推動社會進(jìn)步的具有創造性的力量,社會的多樣(yàng)性越豐富,就會有越多的改變與成(chéng)長(cháng)的機會。他們在書中提出的宇宙和社會進(jìn)化的理論,告訴我們要通過(guò)欣賞和理解多元化思想,來發(fā)現社會存在的...





Danah Zohar (born 1945) is an American-British author and speaker on physics, philosophy, complexity and management.

Life and work

Zohar studied Physics and Philosophy at MIT and did postgraduate work in Philosophy, Religion & Psychology at Harvard University. She is Visiting Professor in the College of Management at Guizhou University in China. She was included in the 2002 Financial Times Prentice Hall book Business Minds as one of "the world's greatest management thinkers".

She proposed spiritual intelligence as an aspect of intelligence that sits above the traditional measure of IQ and the various notions of emotional intelligence, at the conscious level of meaning and purpose, and that is derived from the properties of a living complex adaptive system. She advocates quantum physics as a guiding metaphor for personal psychology and corporate and social organisation, in contrast with the deterministic Newtonian mechanics and machine metaphor found in the scientific management of Frederick Winslow Taylor and other early management thinkers.

Selected publications

Zohar is author (or co-author with her late husband, the psychiatrist Ian Marshall) of the following books:

  • Zohar, Danah (1990). The Quantum Self: Human Nature and Consciousness Defined by the New Physics. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.  ISBN 0-688-08780-9(本書中文版權在)
  • Zohar, Danah; Marshall, Ian (1993). The Quantum Society: Mind, Physics, and a New Social Vision. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.  ISBN 0-688-10603-X(本書中文版權在)
  • Zohar, Danah (1997). ReWiring the Corporate Brain: Using the New Science to Rethink How We Structure and Lead Organizations. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.  ISBN 9971-5-1214-9
  • Zohar, Danah; Marshall, Ian (1997). Who's Afraid of Schrödinger's Cat?. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.  ISBN 0-688-16107-3
  • Zohar, Danah; Marshall, Ian (2000). SQ: Connecting With Our Spiritual Intelligence. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.  ISBN 0-7475-4676-2(本書中文版權授權華夏出版社,2017年到期)
  • Zohar, Danah (2004). Spiritual Capital: Wealth We Can Live By. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.  ISBN 1-57675-138-4(本書中文版授權時代華語,2015年6月已到期)
  • Zohar, Danah (2016).《量子領導力/》THE QUANTUM LEADER ,本書稿201511月交稿, 中文版授權機械工業出版社,201610月出版,目前已多次加印。

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


